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Cobalt Supply Chain in Congo

Our new white paper explore the risks facing a nation that is vital for the transition to a more cleaner, digital future.

Post Date: 12/07/2023

Connected Risk Comes of Age: Ten Key Takeaways

On 7th June, Russell Group hosted a panel discussion of leading (re)insurers and corporates on the threat of Connected Risk.

Post Date: 26/06/2023

Tackling the Cyber Threat in the Aviation Sector

Our new white paper explores some of the key cyber exposures impacting the aviation sector.

Post Date: 22/05/2023

Understanding the Connected Risks of Turkish Earthquake on Corporates and (Re)Insurers

Our new white paper outlines why the Turkish earthquake is a major connected risk event, with the potential to hit multiple lines of business, including marine, energy and aviation.

Post Date: 23/02/2023

Inflation is Rising

What's Inflation Got To Do With It?

What is the impact of rising inflation on the (re)insurance market?

Post Date: 13/10/2022

How can the Insurance Industry Assist Corporate Connected Risk Needs: Event Summary

In July 2022, Russell hosted an exclusive event, ‘How the insurance industry can assist corporate connected corporate risk needs?' Download a free copy of the event report.

Post Date: 10/08/2022

Airline and Airport Cancellation Chaos Creates Connected Risk

Our new aviation white paper explores why the aviation sector is struggling at the moment and how it can solve this issue.

Post Date: 27/07/2022

Navigating a Path Through Accumulating Marine Exposures

Our new white paper explores how international trading hubs have become centres of high value concentration.

Post Date: 22/06/2022

Connected Insights: How (re)insurers and their clients can navigate through the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

In our latest white paper, we argue that Ukraine is a multi-class event that will impact all (re)insurers regardless of what class of business they reside in.

Post Date: 30/03/2022


Connected Data: Adopting a proactive data approach to exposure management

Data can provide early insights to help drive better decision-making, as we explore in a new white paper.

Post Date: 22/02/2022

Container Ship Leaving Port

Why Connected Trade Exposure is a top concern for 2022

Despite falling trade, port exposure is very much a significant risk in 2022.

Post Date: 01/02/2022

2022: The Year Ahead

Our annual Year Ahead white paper is back, as we outline all the topics that we will be covering throughout 2022.

Post Date: 27/01/2022

Modelling Events is becoming important

Modelling Business Viability: A Scenario Approach

Increasingly in the corporate world, scenario planning is helping decision-makers identify outcomes and impacts, evaluate responses and manage risks and opportunities.

Post Date: 27/01/2022

Return to Flight: How Russell’s approach can help Aviation Underwriters

How Russell’s approach to Aviation Risk can help Aviation Underwriters.

Post Date: 17/11/2021

Moving from Products to Solutions: The Challenge for Insurers and Corporates

Moving from products to solutions is a strategic priority for many organisations but what are the downsides of such a change?

Post Date: 10/11/2021

Satellite Technology is becoming crucial in today's technology world.

Space Risks and Global Telecommunication Services

In this space report, we highlight the vital role that the space industry plays in supporting multiple industries and it's vulnerability to a multitude of threats that affect it's own financial health.

Post Date: 23/06/2021

The boardroom, where a business' strategy is decided.

Russell Group launches Its Resilience focused Corporate Working Group

Russell Group has officially launched a cross-industry ‘Russell Working Group’ of risk managers from leading large corporates.

Post Date: 15/06/2021

A container ship leaving a port.

Why Corporates and Reinsurers need to take Port Accumulation Seriously

Our new port accumulation report outlines why such a system needs to be viewed as an essential part of risk mitigation for (re)insurers and corporates.

Post Date: 08/06/2021

Airport is being cleaned to prevent spread of COVID.

Pandemic Demonstrates Multi-class Connected Risk Causality

Our new report demonstrates how COVID-19 has created the perfect connected risk in global trade as referenced by the Airline and Travel Industries

Post Date: 25/05/2021

Lloyd's of London

Portfolio Analytics is Integral to Casualty Underwriting in 2021

We explore why portfolio analytics is a must-have for Casualty underwriters.

Post Date: 07/05/2021

City of London, London's Financial District.

ALPS Casualty Case Study

In this brief case study, we hear from our clients on how ALPS Casualty has helped improve their underwriting operations.

Post Date: 06/05/2021

Oil drilling at sunset.

The Need for more Granular Insights and Analytics in Energy

The energy market needs a joined-up approach to both upstream and downstream risks in order to get a more holistic view of the entire risk process and develop a product, which provides more seamless coverage.

Post Date: 05/05/2021

A cyber-attacker hacking into an organisation's network

Is Cyber Risk Limitless or can it be Really be Insured?

In a world with cyber attacks on the rise, we ask the question: is cyber risk limitless or can it really be insured?

Post Date: 17/10/2020

Social Claims Inflation: The Casualty Black Hole

“Social inflation” is a hot topic for insurers and reinsurers

Post Date: 03/06/2020

Insuring The Uninsurable: Executive Summary

Download a copy of the Executive Summary and Talking Points from Russell Group's virtual roundtable discussion: Insuring The Uninsurable

Post Date: 29/05/2020

The Corporate Orchestrator and Innovator: Orchestrating Risk and Creating Opportunity

Russell Group has released a new report outlining a potential new role to help give risk managers a voice on the board: The Corporate Orchestrator and Innovator (COI)

Post Date: 05/11/2018

Are Liability claims becoming multi-class?

With two high-profile liability cases grabbing the headlines due to their political and supply chain dimensions, we examine whether liability is becoming multi-class.

Post Date: 24/09/2018

Can The Aviation Industry Handle The Cyber Threat?

Much has been written on the impact of cyber on the specialty classes, but little has been said about Aviation, which is more susceptible to cyber exposures than one thinks.

Post Date: 05/07/2018

Will Blockchain revolutionise Marine Insurance?

Will Blockchain revolutionise Marine Insurance?

Post Date: 05/07/2018

The Russell Group Ranking of Countries

The Russell ranking measures the top countries, embracing the USA, China, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, India, Italy, Brazil and Canada and ranks them according to Risks and Opportunities, a unique set of criteria.

Post Date: 03/04/2018

Event Report: The Impact of Connected Risks on the Insurance Markets

Russell Group has published a full report of their launch of Connected Risk event at Lloyd's on 18th July.

Post Date: 29/08/2017

Chain Reactions: Strategic Risk roundtable at AIRMIC

In today’s complex world, one risk leads to another. So, how should businesses deal with these knock-onn effects? StrategicRISK sought the views of senior executives including Russell Group, CEO Suki Basi at Airmic’s annual conference.

Post Date: 24/08/2017

Geopolitical threats to Global Trade in a Connected World

In previous eras, a large proportion of the major risks facing corporate risk managers and the global P/C (re)insurance industry were environmental and natural catastrophe in nature but today’s largest interconnected exposures are man-made.

Post Date: 27/02/2017

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Connected Data: Adopting a proactive data approach to exposure management

Post Date: 22/02/2022


2022: The Year Ahead

Post Date: 27/01/2022

Corporate risk

Modelling Business Viability: A Scenario Approach

Post Date: 27/01/2022

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£3 billion of UK goods at Risk from Red Sea Disruption

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Airlines can expect aviation war coverage rises

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