Read about our analysis service
Russell’s integrated dataset can be analysed and continually assessed through our software platform: ALPS.
The ALPS platform allows you to perform risk and exposure modelling to see where your business and portfolio may be vulnerable, or even where investment opportunities may arise, in your chosen market(s).
Key features and benefits
ALPS Aviation offers the ability to know and understand your aggregated exposure across your entire portfolio, gross and net of reinsurance.
ALPS Aviation performs stochastic event set generation and pricing for direct, reinsurance and retrocession programmes. Portfolio pricing is also supported.
Utilising our strong dataset, ALPS Aviation offers the ability to analyse your peak exposures at both terminal and airport levels.
ALPS Aviation is a trusted provider for our clients and is widely respected in the aviation market.
ALPS Marine is a global trade solution that quantifies export and import trade using the Russell Universe of connected data from a selected group of maritime data partners.
ALPS Marine offers the following reporting functions:
Trade Intelligence analyses global trade by country, company, commodity, operator, transit route and vessel. When port or vessel incidents occur, it is possible to establish the parties likely to be involved.
Underwriting Intelligence analyses a single or group of companies’ exposure. For marketing, it allows a user to model global trade to seek and evaluate new underwriting opportunities.
Portfolio Intelligence allows an underwriter to evaluate aggregated/clash portfolio exposure from a range of trade event scenarios.
We perform comprehensive name matching and data cleansing as data is migrated into ALPS Energy to ensure that asset exposure can be geocoded and appropriately linked where possible.
ALPS allows for unlimited cover types including direct, reinsurance, treaty, facultative and binder business. It offers a high degree of customisation over the definition of events for exposure analysis.
ALPS Energy captures worldwide offshore energy assets including fixed, linked, mobile platforms, subsea equipment, pipelines and terminal data, enabling deeper business insight to underlying exposure and to support portfolio analytics.
ALPS Energy offers greater granularity of your client’s exposures at asset scenario level, gross and net of reinsurance.
A key element of this process is a comprehensive name matching and data cleansing exercise using sophisticated algorithms where possible to validate your information. We also match your data against our Russell Universe of companies based on consolidated inputs from leading data vendors.
ALPS allows for unlimited cover types including direct, reinsurance, treaty, facultative and binder business, offering a high degree of customisation.
ALPS Casualty captures data from the Russell Universe, enabling deeper business insight into underlying exposure and further exposure knowledge.
ALPS Casualty offers greater granularity of your client’s exposures at company scenario level, gross and net of reinsurance.
Catering for Lloyd’s RDS, the ability to build your own scenario libraries and utilise those created by Russell. The system is also both deterministic and probabilistic, enabling you to determine exposure from past, current and future scenarios.