World of Risk
Cambridge Global Risk Outlook for 2017, predicts that the global economy will face an expected loss of $1.17 trillion because of increased risks.
Too much data?
The data on the Internet is estimated to be about 5 million TB, of which Google has indexed only 200 TB or 0.004 per cent.
Smarter Humans
Since 1945, human knowledge has doubled every 25 years. IBM predicts that with IoT (Internet of Things), it will double every 12 hours.
The new Insurance model?
DCL Camatics, a front facing vehicle CCTV and telematics product has reduced claims costs of policyholders by up to 17% and further reduced claims frequency by 34% by providing first-hand witness evidence.
Mega Rise
From 2002 to 2016, Netflix’s total revenue rose from $150.8 million to $8.83 billion. In the same period, Amazon’s revenue jumped from $6.92 billion to $135.99 billion.
Big Data = Big Profits
The global big data market size is predicted to expand from $33.5 billion from 2017 to $92.2 billion in 2026.
A new reality?
In 2020, the augmented and virtual reality market is expected to reach a market size of $143.3 billion
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