Return to Flight: How Russell’s approach can help Aviation Underwriters

It is not an overstatement to say that the coronavirus pandemic has devastated the aviation sector. The world’s airline industry lost $371 billion in passenger revenue in 2020 and 2021 is expected to be a high figure too.

Yet, the situation has improved dramatically since then, with vaccine uptake on the rise across the world and many countries such as the US are opening their borders to travellers.

It is in this backdrop, that we launch our report, "return to flight", that examines the journey that the aviation industry underwent from 2020-21 through analysis of passenger numbers and cargo levels. Also, we explain how data and analytics can help manage ground and hull exposures.

For Your Information

We have recently set up a new account system as part of our new website launch and we have received some questions about the account, so we wanted to take the time to answer your questions.

The new free account log-in system on the website is designed to allow you to access all of Russell Group's white papers, infographics and collateral with ease and little hassle. It allows you to bookmark articles and it view more dedicated content (e.g. aviation articles, marine articles) on the Russell Thinking page.

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To download a full copy of the report, please log in or create a free account, using the link below:

Post Date: 17/11/2021

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